Hi everyone!

Let me tell you a little about me

I'm a fullstack developer from 🇦🇷🧉.
I earned my degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. I work as software engineer at LenioLabs. My typical day is a mix of web development and AI research.

I'm passionate about technology, playing with new tools and open source. I created several projects that were born out of my curiosity and eagerness to learn. I use Neovim BTW, a companion for my daily coding adventures.

My skills include frontend and backend software development, so I can build basically anything from scratch and if I can not, I will learn how to. I'm continually trying to be a better engineer, driven by the ambition to create impactful solutions. I also love animals, playing the guitar and being outdoors.


Software Engineer - LenioLabs

  • Currently leading a team building an LLM that interacts with APIs, focusing on automating tasks and improving system interoperability, alongside spearheading the Vocale product, aimed at revolutionizing user interactions through voice recognition technology.
  • As the project lead for the eFolder application, I mentored new team members, ensuring efective onboarding and seamless knowledge transfer.
  • Orchestrated the coding, testing, and deployment of a micro-frontends architecture for the Renderer app, managing integration across over 12 repositories and facilitating collaboration among multiple teams.
  • I contributed to open-source projects and led internal AI research initiatives, enhancing the company’s prole in AI and driving the adoption of innovative AI solutions. This role involved synthesizing insights from recent research, implementing ndings, and developing proofs of concept that attracted additional clients.
  • Tech used: Javascript, React, AWS, Postgresql, Python, Terraform, Jenkins, Github, Next.js, Docker

Software Developer - 42Mate

  • Developed and optimized the full-stack architecture of the History Channel website, utilizing technologies such as JavaScript, ReactJS, PHP, and Drupal to enhance efficiency and user experience.
  • Implemented an automated migration system using Bash scripts, achieving a signicant reduction in the page administrator’s workload from three days to nearly immediate, thereby maximizing productivity and reducing operational costs.

IT Admin - CorralĂłn Casia

Worked as the IT guy for the Warehouse. Was in charge of the database and I automated the sales process using Python.


Featured Projects

Currently developing a mobile/web app to improve the street pets rescue process in Argentina. Built with Next.js and PostgreSQL.
Link to SalvaPatas
Zona Segura
A mobile app enabling users to report and visualize city-wide incidents, enhancing community awareness regarding safety. This venture honed my skills in React Native, Node.js, geolocation, and AWS.

Non Linear Optimizer
A tool designed for solving complex non-linear problems, with a focus on gradient optimization. Crafted with a heart full of React ❤️⚛️.
Link to the project

Wikipedia Telegram Bot
Born out of my incessant curiosity, this bot automates my frequent data lookups using Python, tapping into Wikipedia, and delivered via Telegram.

LLM data retrieval from Neo4J DB
Envisioning autonomous agents capable of fetching information from a graph database to interact with users. When faced with inadequate data, these agents are designed to solicit additional information, which is then translated into graph schemas to augment the AI’s knowledge base.
Link to the project


Introduction to AI and LLMs - I talked about AI and Large Language models in the context of education for my formal high school.